Almost A Year

As I approach the one year anniversary of my first solo trip, I can’t help but think about how much has changed.  I think about the person I was a year ago, and compare her to the person I am now.  The growth that I can see is sizable, and I know this is in part to my many travel experiences in New York, Bermuda, West Virginia, France, Spain and Italy.  I also know that my potential plan for next year is one that will morph my life in an even greater way.

Brooklyn Bridge

I like the person I have become.  Needless to say, I still her many flaws, some of which have carried over from the person I’ve grown out of, some that have come with the new levels of knowledge and experience that I have.  But I would be remiss if I said I didn’t miss the person I used to be.

Maybe that is the real struggle in life: figuring out how to merge the very best of all your different selves to become the ultimate person.  A sort of nirvana, if you will.

The choices we make are a direct result of the person we are, combined with the people we used to be.  And at no point are we ever perfect.  Parts of us are better, while others are worse.  The balancing act, juggling act, circus performance is realizing that despite our want to reach nirvana, it probably won’t happen, so maybe we have to settle for our best imperfect self.